contractual issue

英 [kənˈtræktʃuəl ˈɪʃuː] 美 [kənˈtræktʃuəl ˈɪʃuː]




  1. Constructing the contractual obligation is an important issue about law of obligation.
  2. Securities arbitration is mainly used to resolve those disputes of contractual or non-contractual nature, which arise out of the issue or transaction of securities among the entities in securities industry, or between those entities and investors or securities publishers.
  3. Land contractual management rights transfer is a complex issue with broad, its involve legislation, theory and practice the three levels of consideration.
  4. Hart and Holmstrom expressed the worry about the lack of empirical study of contractual economics. However, the recent study reveals that more and more empirical research have touched the concrete issue by econometrics study.
  5. After a contract is signed, one of the parties concerned may not fulfill its contractual obligations before the term of performance expires; how does the other party concerned defend its rights has become an issue that draws much attention.